Acknowledgement and thanks

To all who shared their time and talents so lovingly:

Fr Keith and the Franciscan Community for their spiritual support and for providing the grounds and facilities to make the camp week possible.

To the Retreat Centre staff who provided such good food.

For the great blessing of having Marino Restrepo,( Pilgrims of Love Foundation) present and for his inspirational talks.

To Antoinette Moynihan (Apostolate of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, Children Of The Eucharist) and to her daughters Sarah and Ellen for all their support.

To Sharon Kearney (Drama teacher) for her amazing production on “St Francis and the wolf”, “The Canticle of St Francis” and “St Clare and the Eucharist”. This provided so much fun for us all.

To Angela O’Callaghan (Art Teacher) for making the mysteries of the Rosary so interesting for the children, and to her son Anthony for his support.

To Brother Martin for making stone painting so interesting for the children and adults.

To the Glynn brothers, Ruairi, Felim, Ronan and Emmett for their support with music, art, photography, web design etc.

We thank all the special families that came and camped for the week and for the golden opportunity to unite with each other as we strive to live and love our Catholic faith. I can honestly say it was most encouraging and a true joy to be among such special families. We look forward to meeting you all again.

To “Our Lady of Good Success” for sending good weather and for such a blessed week.

Rose Glynn (Organizer)

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